
Resource Characterization

CHTTC researchers have developed procedures which allows for flow characterization using acoustic devices. This allows customers who wish to implement a hydrokinetic turbine, or turbine developers who wish to have full knowledge of their test site, to make the most informed decision about which turbine is right for them. The CHTTC offers this as a service and is capable of performing flow characterization for potential hydrokinetic turbine placements.

Hydrokinetic experience

Hydrokinetic Experience

At the CHTTC, hydrokinetic turbines from many manufacturers have been deployed. As a result, CHTTC personnel have garnered a wealth of experience in the planning and installment of hydrokinetic turbines. This experience allows CHTTC personnel to help to design the mooring system and deployment procedures of the turbine. CHTTC personnel have also become aware of the various safety risks associated with working on heavy machinery in a marine environment.

First nations involvement

First Nations Involvement

Many First Nations communities are located near water resources, such as a river. If the river in the region has sufficient kinetic energy, it is possible to supplement or even eliminate the diesel dependence of these remote communities. Hydrokinetics can be cheaper than diesel, and is a renewable resource with a low carbon footprint. CHTTC members have already been involved in beginning this transition for First Nations communities in Canada.



The Canadian Hydrokinetic Turbine Test Centre (CHTTC), located on the Winnipeg River in Seven Sisters Falls, Manitoba is a national centre focused on the testing of hydrokinetic turbines. Here, companies from all over the world can come to test their hydrokinetic devices. The CHTTC is a tool used to accelerate the development of the marine energy industry in Canada, as well as worldwide. The centre offers a commercial, real-world setting, with regulatory approval for turbine deployment and retrieval, connection to the electrical grid using CSA standards for testing new power converters and measurement instruments to perform studies on the impacts of flows on turbines and the impact of turbines on the environment.

Additionally, the CHTTC offers consulting services to remote communities. Remote communities often generate electricity with expensive diesel fuel. The CHTTC and its personnel are equipped to consult, design energy solutions, create partnerships with hydrokinetic turbine developers and assist in the installation of hydrokinetic technology for remote communities. The CHTTC has been involved in several projects similar to this and is open to pursuing more.